If you are only going to do one step, make it a perfect one…

768 1024 Kasia

Hampton Hill, boutiK HQs

Over the last few years at boutiK, Thursday evenings have had a Latin flair. No, we don’t do focus groups on salsa sauce and we also do not start the weekend early with a few mojitos (not that we would say ‘no’ to either…). Instead we are perfecting our Argentine Tango skills, which we started learning last year.

We have to be honest, the beginnings were not easy and our first milongas (Argentine tango dance evenings) were truly nerve-racking. Luckily our inspiring and very patient teachers Farhad & Lucy kept on telling us not to panic and just enjoy it. Just like boutiK, they believe in quality over quantity and Farhad likes to remind us that it’s ok if we only know how to perform one step…as long as we do that one perfectly.

In fact, the perfect first step has been a bit of a theme at boutiK at the beginning of the year.

We’ve been off to a busy start, not just because of a few exciting projects but also thanks to a flurry of requests for workshops and category summary reports. And quite rightly so. Isn’t the start of a new year a good time as any to take stock of what is already known, building on existing learnings, developing insights, identifying gaps and validating directions  – and therefore making the most of future research to come?

So, we’ve dived deep into existing reports and discovered new treasures and twists. We’ve perfected the perfectly succinct summary. And we are enjoying designing and running insights, ideation and team engagement workshops.

Just a single step in the process each time but if done perfectly, it’ll take you a long way. If this holds true for boutiK’s tango, only time will tell. Watch this space….:)

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